Tag Archives: Dr. Bryson Richards

What is Breast Enhancement?

Breast enhancement is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to increase of the breast size of a woman through surgical insertion of saline or silicone implants in the breast tissue. At present, breast enhancement is the second most sought-after cosmetic surgery in the US, just behind liposuction. Between 1997 and 2012, over 4.5 million breast enhancement procedures were performed in the US.

Success rates in breast enhancement have improved dramatically over the decades following the introduction of new and advanced surgical technologies and techniques. Dr. Bryson Richards is a leading plastic surgeon providing breast enhancement and various other procedures to patients in Las Vegas, NV and surrounding communities.

Who should receive Breast Implants?

Breast implant plastic surgery procedure may be appropriate for women who need at least one or more of the following improvements in their breast appearance:

  • Making the breasts more proportionately sized with the rest of the body.
  • Creating symmetry between unevenly shaped or sized breasts.
  • Increase breast size to make them more aesthetically appealing.
  • Restoring loss of breast volume following a pregnancy.
  • Correcting congenital defects in one or both breasts.
  • Correcting the condition of micromastia or naturally under-developed breasts.
  • Reconstructing breasts after mastectomy or breast tissue injury.

More about Breast Surgery


Breast enhancement is one of the customizable procedures that can be tailored to meet the unique aesthetic goals of the patient. Choices can be made with regard to breast implant type, size and shape, incision location and placement position of the implants in the breast tissue. As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV and nearby areas for breast enhancement.

Implant Types

Breast implants may be produced with a soft silicone gel core or saline fluid core. Both silicone and saline implants have been approved by the FDA, and are widely accepted by the patients. New and advanced qualities in highly cohesive silicone implants are now available which can retain their form and shape more effectively.

Before and After Photo Gallery

Implant Placement

The two main choices for implant placement are below the pectoral muscle or in front of the pectoral muscle, behind the breast tissue. Saline implants can be placed in a deflated state through a smaller incision, and the saline solution can be filled after insertion.

Incision Location

Common options for incision placement include underneath the breast along the breast crease, around the areola, or under the arms. In a few cases, the surgeon may place the incision transumbilically, which is called TUBA incision.

Q&A with Dr. Richards


The surgeon will begin the procedure by making the incision in a discreet location as decided during the treatment planning stage. A breast pocket will be created through the incision, and the implant will be placed in the desired position as decided. Once the implants are placed and adjusted carefully into position, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures or skin adhesive.


The patient can expect to return to their normal routine or go back to the workplace in about 10 to 14 days. Mild pain is experienced by most patients in the first week, which can be managed with pain medications.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Breast Augmentation | Boob Job | Plastic Surgery | Las Vegas NVOne of the reasons behind the popularity of breast enlargement cosmetic surgery is that the procedure is highly customizable, and can be performed in several ways. Depending on the patient’s breast anatomy and her unique aesthetic needs, the surgeon can devise an appropriate surgical plan.

Dr. Bryson Richards is a leading plastic surgeon providing breast enlargement and other procedures. He will choose the right surgical approach in close consultation with the patient. Dr. Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV and surrounding communities.

Implant Placement Techniques

Breast implants can be placed subglandularly or submuscularly, depending on the patient’s needs.

Subglandular Method

In this technique, the breast implants are placed below the mammary gland but above the pectoral muscle. This type of breast enlargement plastic surgery involves relatively lesser post-op pain and discomfort, and usually the recovery is faster. This happens because the musculature remains undisturbed in this surgical approach. Cleavage can be created more easily with this technique as compared to the submuscular implantation.

One of the downsides of this technique is that the risk of implant rippling may be relatively higher. Ripples can form within the implant shell because of the bag’s tendency to fold inward. When the implant is not placed behind the muscle, the ripples become more easily seen and felt.

Submuscular Method

In this case, the cosmetic surgeon will place the implant below the pectoral muscle in the chest. The muscle will typically cover about two-thirds of the implant in this case. Results are usually more aesthetically appealing for women with naturally small breasts. Any flaws in the implants such as edges or ripples are largely hidden because the implant is concealed below the pectoral muscle. Silicone implants with submuscular placement can provide a fairly natural look and feel.

The challenge with submuscular technique is that the surgical procedure becomes longer and the recovery is relatively more comfortable and prolonged. This happens because the less flexible muscle tissue manipulation will take place in this technique.

Types of Incision

Dr. Richards will discuss the options for incision type and location with his patients in Las Vegas, NV and nearby areas. This choice will make an impact on the overall results of the surgery and the visibility of resulting scars.

Areolar Incision

In this case, the incision is created along the bottom half circumference of the areola, where the lighter breast tissue meets the darker tissue. The resulting scar blends in with the border, which makes it a popular incision choice.

Inframammary Incision

In this case, the incisions are placed at the bottom or crease of the breast where they can be inconspicuous beneath the bra or swimwear. This type of incision is more common when silicone gel implants are used.

Transaxillary Incision

This incision is made in the armpit. A channel to the breast is created through the incision, and an implant pocket is carved behind the breast. The technique is typically used for post-filled saline implants.

In rare cases, transumbilical (TUBA) incision may also be used, which involves an incision around the naval for implant insertion.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

See More Breast Enlargement Surgery Before and After Photos


Breast enlargement is the second-most popular cosmetic surgery in the US today after liposuction. Advanced surgical techniques and improved breast implant qualities have made the procedure safer and much more predictable. Thousands of American women receive this procedure each year with outstanding results.

During the initial consultation for this procedure, the plastic surgeon may make use of breast enlargement before and after photos. This can help to explain the potential effectiveness of the procedure to new patients. Dr. Bryson Richards is a leading plastic surgeon providing breast enhancement and other procedures to patients in Las Vegas, NV and surrounding areas.

What are Breast Enlargement Before and After Images?

Before and after images in case of breast enlargement plastic surgery refer to a set of pictures belonging to an earlier patient who has received the same procedure with satisfying results. The set includes images taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery at a stage when swelling and bruising has subsided and full effects of breast enhancement are visible.

The cosmetic surgeon will take the pictures with the consent of the patient and present them before new patients in a discreet manner. The only goal of the surgeon is to educate new patients about various aspects of the procedure. The pictures can serve as a useful visual tool to help explain what the surgery can or cannot do for them. Dr. Richards tries to ensure that his patients in Las Vegas, NV and other locations can make an informed decision with the help of these images.


When a woman is considering breast enlargement, she may not have a clear idea of how the procedure may help improve her breast appearance and overall personality. Each candidate may have a different requirement in terms of implant type, size, profile, shape, and the placement position of implants. Some patients may need breast enlargement in conjunction with breast lift.

In all such situations, a new patient may not be able to make the best choices on her own. This is where the surgeon may make use of breast enlargement before and after photos to help her make the right decisions.

Being Realistic

In a cosmetic procedure such as breast enlargement, it is very important to ensure that the patient has realistic expectations. This will mitigate the risk of any potential misunderstanding or disappointment at a later stage.

When breast enlargement before and after photographs are made available to the candidate, she will have a fair idea of what to expect and what not to expect from the surgery. Experienced plastic surgeons realize that most satisfactory results in any aesthetic procedure can be achieved when the patient has a positive mindset and realistic expectations.

Online Photos

The plastic surgeon has the option to provide breast enlargement before and after photos on their practice website. New patients can access the images freely from the site, and review them in the privacy of their home or office. This can provide them a clear idea about the procedure even before they are ready to visit the surgeon’s office for a personal consultation.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

CLICK HERE to See Dr. Richards Special Online Offer for Breast Implants

Breast augmentation cosmetic surgery procedure involves surgical insertion of saline or silicone implants in the breast tissue to enhance the size and volume of breasts. During the initial consultation process, the surgeon will discuss all aspects of the procedure, including its estimated price.

Dr. Bryson Richards is an experienced plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation and other procedures for the breast, body and face. The first goal of Dr. Richards is to ensure that his patients make an informed decision after taking all aspects into account, including affordability. Dr. Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV and surrounding communities.

Average Price

Cost will vary based on location and the costs of general anesthesia, surgical room fees, breast implants, medical tests, and other related expenses. On average, the all-inclusive impact on your checking account for breast augmentation plastic surgery may range from $8,000 to $14,000, depending on various factors.

Cost Factors

Breast augmentation procedure is fairly customizable, and dollar figure can differ from one patient to another. The geographic location where the cosmetic surgeon operates will make a difference to the overall cost. The price tag in major urban centers and coastal states will usually be higher than smaller, interior regions in the country. For instance, the dollar amount of breast augmentation in Las Vegas, NV and nearby locations may not be the same as the cost in, say, New Jersey.

The surgeon’s fee will usually vary according to their education, experience, and reputation in the field of breast augmentation surgery. Whether the procedure is performed at the surgeon’s own surgical suite, or at an accredited ambulatory center or hospital, will also impact the overall costs. If breast augmentation is performed in conjunction with breast lift or another procedure, the costs will be different. The financial factors of breast implants will vary according to the quality and type.

Price Tag for Implants

The monetary setback for saline, silicone gel, and cohesive silicone implants can vary significantly, impacting the overall costs of surgery. Saline implants contain a salt water solution in the core. The average cost of saline implants will be in the range of $1,000 to $1,200 per pair. Silicone implants, which include a silicone gel core, may set you back by about $2,000 to $2,200 per pair.

New and advanced qualities of highly cohesive silicone implants may cost about $3,000 to $3,500 per pair. Commonly known as ‘gummy bear implants’, these highly cohesive silicone implants are become increasingly popular despite their relatively higher costs.

Insurance and Finance

The financial sacrifice of breast augmentation surgery or breast implants will usually not be covered by insurance, except in some special cases of breast reconstruction. Most patients are eligible for financing options such as professional medical care financing companies that offer convenient monthly installments at rates of interest that are attractive.

Other financing options that should be explored well before the procedure is set to begin include credit card extended payments, loans from family or friends, bank loans, and even crowd funding.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Fat Grafting

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to enhance the size and volume of the breasts with surgical insertion of saline or silicone implants. Advanced techniques and superior implant qualities have made breast augmentation a highly reliable and predictable procedure. However, post-op complications may still occur in some cases of breast implant surgery.

Breast implant rippling is one of the most common types of complications that could occur at any stage after the surgery. Breast replacement surgery is an obvious treatment option, but it is an elaborate and costly procedure. An experienced plastic surgeon will usually recommend fat grafting technique to mitigate the appearance of implant rippling. Dr. Bryson Richards is a dedicated plastic surgeon who receives patients from Las Vegas, NV and surrounding areas for fat grafting.

Video by the ASAPS

Why Implant Rippling Occurs?

If the patient has insisted on an oversized implant, which is inappropriate to the breast anatomy, or the surgeon has made a judgment error in choosing the implant size, it may result in the condition of implant rippling. Lack of sufficient breast tissue to cover the implant will cause the implant to stretch and develop rippling.

If the patient does not prefer breast replacement plastic surgery procedure to reduce rippling, the surgeon may suggest fat grafting technique. This technique is not designed to fix rippling, but it can make it less noticeable by adding volume and coverage over the implant into the breast tissue.

Key Benefit

A major advantage with fat grafting surgery is that it enables the surgeon to place extra fat in precise locations over the implant. The harvested fat cells can be placed exactly over the rippling area to reduce its visibility and enhance shape and fullness. Fat grafting technique is typically helpful for women who have a natural thin built and have developed implant rippling due to insufficient breast tissue.

With fat grafting technique, the surgeon can provide a kind of padding over the implants, and promote thickening of tissue over the implant. Medial position is usually more difficult to improve when ripples, wrinkles, or folds occur in the implants after the surgery. Fat grafting will be able to serve as a less invasive and much simpler substitute to breast revision surgery. It can add volume to the upper pole of the breasts and cover the rippling of the underlying implants.

Choosing a Skilled Surgeon

Dr. Richards is a leading cosmetic surgeon providing fat grafting procedure to address implant rippling for patients in Las Vegas, NV and nearby locations. The procedure may appear simple on the outset, but it is a sensitive technique requiring high surgical skills and experience to maintain consistency of results. Starting from fat harvesting to fat purifying to fat grafting, every stage of the procedure will influence the final results significantly.

Surgeons with fat grafting expertise can typically ensure that about 70 to 90% of the injected fat survives. Marginal amount of fat loss is unavoidable, but minimal loss will help to reduce the number of fat grafts required.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Breast Lift Surgery

Breast Lift Plastic Surgery Las Vegas | Augmentation | ReductionWhen the patient has finalized the decision to undergo breast lift cosmetic surgery, she will have a detailed pre-op consultation as a part of the initial preparation process. The process will involve physical breast exam, evaluation of medical history, assessment of skin elasticity and the position of breasts and nipples.

A surgical plan will be prepared on the basis of these findings and an assessment of the patient’s unique aesthetic goals. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards places a lot of emphasis on the preparation stage because the final outcome will greatly depend on the decisions taken during planning and preparation. Dr. Richards receives patients for breast lift from Las Vegas, NV and surrounding regions.

Surgery Planning

Planning for the breast lift plastic surgery is a critical part of the preparation process. The patient should be frank about her needs and expectations at this stage. The surgeon will determine whether the patient needs only breast lift or lift in combination with breast implants. The surgical technique to be used for breast lift will be determined during the planning process. The size, type, and location of incisions may be finalized.

The choice of anesthesia and sedation will also be discussed and finalized during the surgery planning stage. Whether the surgery will take place at an accredited surgery center or hospital will be discussed. The surgeon will also provide detailed advice and instructions regarding the patient’s role for the surgery preparation. Dr. Richards is a dedicated cosmetic surgeon providing breast lift and other procedures to patients in Las Vegas, NV and nearby locations.

Finalizing the Surgical Techniques

The surgeon will make a final choice of one among several breast lift techniques. Each technique will vary according to the choice of incision pattern. All options will be explained to the patient, and the surgeon will help her select the optimal choice that meets her personal aesthetic and health goals in the best way.

The breast size, the extent of lift required, the repositioning of areolas and nipples, skin type and quality, and whether implants will be required in conjunction with lift are factors that will influence the choice of surgical technique.

Pre-op Guidelines for the Patient

The patient will usually receive the following guidelines prior to breast lift procedure. Diligent adherence to the guidelines will improve the chances of a successful surgery.

  • Refrain from smoking for at least four weeks before the surgery, and avoid alcohol for at least two weeks.
  • Stop the use of any vitamin and herbal supplements at least 30 days prior to surgery, unless otherwise specified by the surgeon.
  • Adjust the regimen of any existing prescription medications in consultation with the surgeon and the patient’s personal physician.
  • Discontinue the use of ibuprofen, aspirin, and other blood thinning drugs.
  • Get a mammogram and blood test done, if the surgeon so requires.

A breast lift is typically performed as an outpatient procedure. The patient should arrange for someone to drive her back home after surgery. Preferably, she should also have someone to assist her at home for the first 24 to 48 hours.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Beautiful Breast Augmentation Implant Types

Cosmetic Surgeon | Breast Surgery | Breast Implants | Las Vegas NVOne of the key decisions in breast augmentation cosmetic surgery is to choose the right type of breast implants to meet the patient’s unique aesthetic goals. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards educates his patients about the pros and cons of different implant types to help them make the right choices. Dr. Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV and surrounding communities for various procedures.

Primary Classification

Breast implants are available in two primary classes: silicone gel and saline filled implants. Each type of implants offers its own benefits and limitations. The final outcome of breast augmentation plastic surgery will be impacted by the choice of implants made by a patient.

Silicone Implants

The FDA approved breast implants with a silicone gel core in 2006 for women in age group of 21 and above. According to recent ASPS figures, about two-third of patients choose silicone implants today. The look and feel of these implants is more natural because the consistency of the silicone gel is closer to the organic breast tissue.

However, one of the concerns with silicone implants is that in case of implant rupture, the damage can remain undetected for some time. This limitation has now been addressed with highly cohesive silicone gel based implants, where the silicone will not flow out of the broken implant shell.

Saline Implants

Saline implants, as the name suggests, are filled with a saline solution in their core. Latest qualities in saline implants are soft and durable. These implants are approved by the FDA for women in the age group of 18 and above. Implant size can vary from 120cc to 850cc. The advantage here is that the incision size can be relatively smaller because saline solution can be filled after the implant has been surgically inserted in a deflated state.

Another key advantage of saline implants is that the saline solution is biocompatible, and poses no risk in the event of implant leakage. Leading cosmetic surgeon Dr. Richards will recommend the most appropriate implant types to his patients in Las Vegas, NV and nearby locations.

Shape of Implants

Implant shape should be chosen according to the patient’s body type and her personal aesthetic needs.

Round-shaped Implants

This is a more common shape that resembles a compressed sphere. Options are available ranging from low profile to high profile round implants. A woman can achieve improved lift, fullness, and cleavage with these implants.

Teardrop-shaped Implants

Teardrop shaped breast implants have sloped contours that are designed to appear fuller at the bottom as compared to the top. This shape mimics the natural shape of breasts. These implants provide a higher projection as compared to round implants with the same volume.

Texture of Implants

Breast implants can be textured or smooth. Smooth surface is sleek and unvarying, while the texture surface provides a rough traction to the implant. Smooth implants are more popular because the implant can move without friction inside the breast pocket. Textured implants are believed to have lesser chances of capsular contracture, according to some surgeons.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Breast Enlargement Surgery 

breastsBreast enlargement, clinically known as augmentation mammaplasty or breast augmentation, is a cosmetic surgery procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. The procedure usually involves surgical insertion of breast implants behind the breasts, but in exceptional cases, fat transfer procedure may also be used. In recent years, breast enlargement has emerged as the second most popular aesthetic surgery procedure in the US.


Breast augmentation is primarily performed by a plastic surgeon for aesthetic purposes. It may be aimed at adding volume to disproportionately small breasts, restoring balance to asymmetrical breasts, or to build a more voluptuous breast appearance.

Patient satisfaction rates in breast augmentation are among the highest in the field of aesthetic surgery. Dr. Bryson Richards is an eminent breast surgeon who receives patients from Las Vegas, NV and surrounding areas for breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation Options

Potential for customization is high in case of breast augmentation plastic surgery. During the surgical planning process, an experienced surgeon will engage closely with the patient to determine the best options according to the patient’s aesthetic needs as follows:

Type of Implants

The FDA has approved saline and silicone gel based breast implants. In case of silicone implants, patients can further choose between regular, form stable and highly cohesive implants. Size, profile, shape, and texture of implants will also be chosen according to a patient’s specific needs.

Placement Position

Breast implants may be placed in a submuscular position below the pectoral muscle or in a subglandular position in front of the pectoral muscle, immediately behind the breast tissue.

Location of the Incision

The cosmetic surgeon may place the incision below the crease at the base of the breast, along the lower half of the areola, in the armpit, or even a transumbilical incision in a few cases.

Dr. Richards will ensure that the most appropriate combination of choices is made to achieve the unique aesthetic goals of his patients in Las Vegas, NV and nearby areas.


Breast enlargement surgery is generally performed using general anesthesia. The entire procedure may be completed in about two hours on average. The procedure will begin with the surgeon placing incisions at pre-determined sites to insert the implants. An experienced surgeon will ensure to keep the incisions inconspicuous so that scarring is minimally visible.

Through the incision, the surgeon will create a breast pocket for the placement of implant. Some surgeons recommend placing the implant in the front of the chest muscle to reduce discomfort during recovery. Some others may prefer implant placement underneath the pectoral muscle to avoid interference with mammograms in the future.

Once the implant placement is completed, and the implants are adjusted into their desired position, the incisions will be carefully sutured. Majority of patients are able to return home the same day of surgery.


If the sutures are dissolvable, they will disappear on their own. In other cases, the surgeon will remove the sutures in about a week. Initial pain and soreness in the first week can be managed with prescription medications. Most patients will be able to return to their regular activities or go to work in about 10 to 14 days.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Breast Lift Surgery Recovery

Cosmetic Surgery | Breast Lift Recovery | Mastopexy | Las Vegas NVRecovery in case of breast lift cosmetic surgery will vary from one patient to another depending on several factors. Patients can improve their chances of overall satisfaction with the procedure when they are more informed about what to expect during recovery. The recovery process takes time, and the patient should be well-prepared in advance to make the recovery period easier.

An experienced plastic surgeon will provide detailed post-op instructions to help ensure safer and smoother recovery. Dr. Bryson Richards is a leading breast lift surgeon providing a host of procedures to patients in Las Vegas, NV and surrounding communities. Dr. Richards will discuss the estimated recovery process during the initial consultations.

Recovery in the First 15 Days

During the first 10 to 15 days, most patients may experience mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising. In the first week following breast lift plastic surgery, the patient may take prescription pain medications to gain relief. During the first 15 days, the patient should avoid sleeping on her stomach. Sponge baths are preferable until the sutures are removed. The surgeon will advise the best ways to stay more comfortable during this period.

The patient will be required to wear a surgical bra during the first few days after surgery. Thereafter, the bra will be replaced with a support bandage or sports bra which must be worn at all times for at least a month or more. Sutures are typically removed after a week or 10 days. Most patients can go back to work or resume light activities at home after a week. Vigorous exercises and lifting of heavy weights should be avoided until the healing is complete.

Recovery period will be reduced and risks will be cut down for smokers who stay committed to avoiding smoking at least a month before and after breast lift surgery. As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Richards will provide detailed instructions to his patients in Las Vegas, NV and other areas for breast lift recovery.

Recovery in the First Few Months

Final results of breast lift will start showing after about a month when swelling and bruising disappears almost completely. Minor numbness in the skin and nipples may remain, which will go away in about six to eight weeks.

Tingling or stinging sensation in the treated areas may be experienced by some patients as the nerves gradually return to normal function. The surgeon will advise patients not to lift anything over their head for the first two months, and avoid lifting heavier weights for another one to two months.


Scarring will be fairly conspicuous in the first few months, with some of the scars appearing red and lumpy. However, as the months go by, scarring will continue to become lighter and fade into thin, white lines.

Some surgeons may recommend the use of cortisone cream or silicone sheeting to help reduce the appearance of scars. An experienced surgeon will choose the appropriate surgical technique and place the incisions in inconspicuous areas to keep the visibility of scars to the minimum.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Breast Lift Surgery Before and After Photos

Cosmetic Surgery | Breast Lift | Mastopexy | Las Vegas NVBreasts can begin to sag due to a variety of factors, and have an adverse impact on the overall personality of a woman. Heavily sagging breasts may not be corrected with diet or exercise, and the woman may have to choose breast lift cosmetic surgery. In many cases, breast lift will involve repositioning of nipples along with the raising and firming up of the breasts.

At the time of initial consultation, many women may seek to clarify the difference between breast augmentation and breast lift. The plastic surgeon can make use of breast lift before and after photographs at this stage to explain the potential outcome of the procedure and help the candidate to make an informed choice. Experienced breast surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV and surrounding communities for breast lift surgery.

What are Breast Lift Before and After Pictures?

Before and after pictures in case of breast lift plastic surgery refer to a set of images belonging to an earlier patient who has received the procedure successfully. The pictures are taken before the procedure and after the procedure at a stage when the swelling and bruising has disappeared and full results of breast lift are visible.

The surgeon will take the images with the patient’s consent and show them to new patients in a discreet way. The surgeon’s goal is to educate new patients about various aspects of breast lift surgery and help them make an informed choice. As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV and nearby locations for breast lift surgery and other procedures.


The first question for many new patients during the initial consultation is whether breast augmentation instead of breast lift may help them provide the necessary improvements. The surgeon will make use of breast lift before and after photos to explain them the pros and cons of both procedures, and help them choose the right surgery in their case.

In some cases, breast lift may have to be combined with breast augmentation to meet the patient’s goals. Relevant ‘before and after’ pictures in such cases may be presented during the initial consultation. With these photos, the patient will know broadly what a breast lift can or cannot do for her.

Being Realistic

One of the first priorities of a surgeon is to ensure that the patient has a positive mindset, clear aesthetic goals, and realistic expectations from the surgery. Breast lift before and after photos can be used to ensure that the patient obtains a clear idea of how her breast appearance may improve with the surgery. Patients with realistic expectations will generally achieve the best satisfaction levels.

Photos Online

The plastic surgeon has the choice to upload breast lift before and after photos on their practice website. New patients can access the photos online and review them in the privacy and comfort of their home or office. Once they have a better understanding of the procedure, it may help them make up their mind about visiting the surgeon’s office for a personal consultation.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070