Plastic Surgeons vs. Cosmetic Surgeons

Plastic Surgeons vs. Cosmetic Surgeons

Plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures have transformed the lives of millions of women and men in the US. The patient not only stands to gain in terms of an attractive aesthetic appearance, but also receives a boost to their self-esteem and overall personality. However, success in these procedures can depend on various factors, and in particular the expertise of the surgeon will perform the procedure.

Dr. Bryson Richards is a highly trained and experienced plastic surgeon providing a wide range of surgical and non-surgical procedures for the breast, body, and face. Discerning patients in and around Las Vegas, NV who are looking for a reliable and reputed plastic surgeon for their needs have an opportunity to receive cutting edge procedures at the state of the art practice of Dr. Richards.

Organized Plastic Surgery

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) along with the respective established plastic surgery societies in each state are dedicated towards the cause of improving patient safety. These societies try to ensure that the surgeons maintain the best quality standards and follow established surgical practices and norms in order to achieve optimal outcomes in every procedure.

Patients are guided and encouraged through these organizations to choose an appropriately qualified and trained cosmetic surgeon for their needs. Most satisfactory results in any cosmetic surgery procedure can be obtained when the surgeon employs advanced and proven surgical techniques and is equipped to provide the right treatment in a safe and professional environment. Experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV and nearby locations for various surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Legal Support for ASPS, ABPS

The ASPS, ABPS, and the Utah Plastic Surgery Society (UPSS) recently earned a crucial legal victory in the Court of Appeals in Denver, CO. A lawsuit filed against these societies had been previous dismissed by a local court, and now the Appeals Court has upheld the dismissal. The lawsuit had challenged the validity of the advertising and education campaign of these societies on patient safety.

The plaintiffs had argued that the patient safety promotion campaign was causing loss of business to non-plastic surgeons. However, the courts have dismissed the complaint, which serves as an important legal victory for the cause of patient safety and organized plastic surgery. The victory is also seen as a validation of the ‘Do Your Homework’ campaign of the ASPS to support patient education.

The main contention of the plaintiffs was that the campaign was deceptive because it differentiated between plastic and cosmetic surgeons. However, the appellate court upheld that the plaintiffs had failed to prove any deception or violation against the ASPS, ABPS, and others.

Vital Distinction

Brian Brzowski, the UPSS President, said that the court’s decision reaffirms the importance of generating public awareness about the vital distinctions between specifically trained plastic surgeons and other surgeons. The bottom line is that patients should increase their awareness and make the right selection of a plastic surgeon for their health and cosmetic needs.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

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