Las Vegas Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon

Liposuction Cost

Cosmetic Surgery | Plastic Surgeon | Cosmetic Surgeon | Las VegasLiposuction and its Correlating Cost

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery not only because of its effective outcomes, but also because the procedure may be more cost-effective and produce the desired results with low risk and less downtime. The cosmetic surgeon can target the specific areas of the body with unwanted fat cells, and help the patient meet their goals with liposuction surgery.

Dr. Bryson Richards is a committed plastic surgeon providing liposuction and other surgical procedures for the breast, body, and face to patients in and around Las Vegas. During the initial consultation, Dr. Richards will discuss various aspects of liposuction plastic surgery, including its cost estimate in order to help the patient make an informed choice.

Factors that Influence the Cost

The cost of liposuction cosmetic surgery can differ between two practices, and may even differ between two patients at the same practice. A number of factors will go into determining the overall cost of the procedure.

Where the Practice is Located

Practice location can make a difference to the overall cost of liposuction plastic surgery. This happens because cost of living may be variable from place to place. For instance, the cost of liposuction in Las Vegas, NV may not be the same as the cost in Austin, TX.

Fee of the Plastic Surgeon

The plastic surgeon may charge their fee on the basis of their qualifications, experience and reputation in the area of liposuction. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recommends that a patient should choose the right surgeon for their needs, and factors such as the surgeon’s fee should only be considered as secondary.

Surgical Facility and Anesthesia Costs

If the procedure is extensive, the cosmetic surgeon may decide to use general anesthesia for liposuction. In such a case, the anesthesiologist’s fee must be considered, which can vary depending on their expertise and reputation. If the surgical facility provides high quality equipment, experienced staff, and personalized care and attention, the cost of the facility may be a little higher when compared to an average operating room.

How Complex is the Procedure

The cost of liposuction will also be a function of the total length and complexity of the procedure involved. Each case is different, and the aesthetic goals of patients are also different. A customized treatment for a large area such as hips, abdomen, thighs, or back is likely to cost more than standard treatment for a smaller treatment area such as cheeks, neck, or knees.

Average Cost

Liposuction average cost will typically range between $5,000 and $12,000 based on multiple factors. The ASPS released national average cost figures for 2013 in the US, according to which the average cost of liposuction was $2,866. However, the ASPS clarified that this basic average cost did not include the costs of anesthesia, if any, operating room expenses, and related costs.

Insurance may or may not be covered, fully or partially, depending on the nature of surgery and the patient’s health policy terms. The procedure can be financed conveniently through a medical care finance company, bank loans, personal borrowings, or other sources.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

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