Kybella Double Chin Reduction Before and After Photos

Kybella Injections for Double Chin Reduction Before After Photos Kybella Injections for Double Chin Reduction Before After PhotoKybella is the first and only double chin reduction injectable procedure that has been approved by the FDA. The procedure is proving to be a boon for thousands of patients who are keen to get rid of excess submental fat that gives the appearance of a double chin and compromises their chin profile. Men and women who are reluctant to choose liposuction or another cosmetic surgery option may go for Kybella non-surgical treatment.

During the initial consultation, the Kybella treatment provider will explain all aspects of the procedure and address the patient’s concerns about its potential effectiveness and safety. Kybella double chin reduction before and after photographs may also be presented during this consultation process to enable the patient to understand the estimated results more clearly. Dr. Bryson Richards is a leading plastic surgeon providing Kybella and other procedures to patients in Las Vegas, NV and surrounding communities.

What are Kybella Chin Reduction Before and After Images?

Before and after images in case of Kybella chin reduction treatment refer to a set of pictures belonging to an earlier patient who has received the same procedure with satisfying results. The set will include images taken prior to the procedure and after the procedure at a stage when the temporary swelling has disappeared and the full effects of Kybella injections are visible.

In any cosmetic surgery or non-surgical procedure such as Kybella the ‘before and after’ pictures may be requested from a patient, if they are willing to share them. The treatment provider will present these photos before new patients in a discreet manner. The only purpose here is to educate new patients about various aspects of a relatively new treatment such as Kybella, and help them make an informed choice.


When a new patient is considering Kybella chin reduction procedure, they may not necessarily have a clear perspective on how the procedure may improve their chin profile or impact their overall facial appearance. Some patients may be concerned whether the procedure may deliver similar results as liposuction or not.

Some patients may need only a minor improvement, requiring about two treatment sessions with Kybella, while more severe cases may need as many as six treatment sessions. In all such cases, the cosmetic surgeon may provide Kybella chin reduction before and after photos to help the patient make the right decision for themselves. Dr. Richards provides Kybella treatment to patients in Las Vegas, NV and other areas.

Keeping Realistic Expectations

It is important in any aesthetic procedure that the patient should have a positive mindset, clear aesthetic priorities and realistic expectations. This is where Kybella double chin reduction before and after photos can prove to be a very useful visual aid. The patient can clearly understand what to expect and what not to expect from the procedure. The risk of any disappointing occurring at a later stage is mitigated with this approach.

Photos on the Web

The surgeon has the choice to provide Kybella double chin reduction before and after photos on their practice website. New patients can access and review the photos online before they are ready to seek a personal Kybella consultation. This allows the patient to make a more informed decision on their personal situation and reduces any ambiguity for the patient when the procedure is completed.

So basically these website photos almost always make this entire process more harmonious for everyone involved. Drawings and a doctor’s description used to be the method of explaining this process and others like it but digital technology has changed all of this.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

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