How much do Skin Resurfacing Treatments Cost?

How much do Skin Resurfacing Treatments Cost?Laser skin resurfacing is a proven skin rejuvenation procedure for individuals who want to reduce signs of aging, sun damage, and various other skin imperfections without undergoing cosmetic surgery.

During the initial consultation, the provider will explain different aspects of the procedure to the patient, including its approximate costs.

The primary goal of a dedicated treatment provider will be to assist the patient to make a well-considered choice. The patient should freely ask questions regarding the costs as well as other factors. Laser skin resurfacing is usually performed as an elective aesthetic procedure.

This means that medical insurance will not cover this treatment. Cordial board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards provides skin resurfacing treatments to patients in Las Vegas, NV, and surrounding locations in The Sagebrush State.

Cost Comparison

A skin resurfacing treatment will be less expensive than a plastic surgery such as a facelift. Surgical procedures usually entail costs such as surgeon fees, general anesthesia, surgical facility costs, and pre and post-op expenses. Laser skin resurfacing is an outpatient treatment that can be administered in-office. Therefore, it does not involve the additional costs that are inherent to plastic surgery.

Certain patients may want to understand the cost comparison between laser skin resurfacing and other non-invasive alternatives such as microdermabrasion, IPL skin rejuvenation, chemical peels, and dermal filler injectables. Some of these treatments may be less expensive than laser skin resurfacing, but they may not offer the same outcomes.

These factors make it essential for the patient to evaluate their skin condition, budget, and aesthetic goals before making a final choice.

Price Tag Variations

Laser skin resurfacing procedures involve the use of diverse laser techniques and technologies. Patients can choose between non-ablative and ablative or fractional laser resurfacing. The choice depends on the depth of the imperfections in the skin that need to be addressed. Ablative laser skin resurfacing procedures may be costlier overall, and include considerable downtime.

The number of treatment sessions and treatment areas may differ between patients. The costs for a patient who requires only 2 to 3 treatment sessions will be less than those for patients who need 5 to 6 sittings to meet their cosmetic needs.

The geographic location of the practice will impact the costs of the skin resurfacing treatment. Practices situated in busy metropolitan cities or main urban centers usually have to bear higher real estate and overhead costs in comparison to practices located in small, interior towns.

The individualized care, quality standards, type of technology, safety protocols, and qualified support team impact the overall cost of the treatment to a certain degree. During the initial consultation, the patient should freely ask questions related to costs and make a judicious decision after comparing the costs and benefits with other treatment options.


Patients should ask the treatment provider or their staff for information on payment options in advance. Most patients will qualify for third-party financing by professional health care financing firms at reasonable rates of interest and easy payment terms. Reliable cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV, and other communities and neighborhoods in The Silver State for skin resurfacing

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Taking new patients from Las Vegas, Bullhead City,  Laughlin, Pahrump, Mesquite NV and surrounding areas.

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