Las Vegas Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon

How long does Radiesse dermal filler last?

How long does Radiesse dermal filler last? | Las Vegas | Bullhead CityAt present, dermal filler injectable treatments for facial skin rejuvenation, such as Radiesse, rank as the second most sought-after non-surgical cosmetic treatments in the US after Botox. 

Radiesse is a powerful FDA-approved dermal filler injection that adds temporary volume to depleted facial areas as well as reduces signs of aging on the face. 

The primary component in Radiesse is Calcium hydroxylapatite. This component distinguishes Radiesse from other dermal fillers and offers more sustainable results with a single in-office treatment. 

Apart from offering long-lasting results, Radiesse injections create natural-looking outcomes by filling in deep wrinkles and creases in various facial sites from within.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards provides Radiesse dermal filler injections to patients in Las Vegas, NV, and surrounding locations.


Calcium Hydroxylapatite 

Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) refers to a synthetic but complete biocompatible ingredient that has been used safely and effectively by medical professionals for the past 20 years. The Radiesse gel comprises microspheres of 25 to 45 diameter CaHA microns that are suspended in it.

This gel is delivered beneath the skin using fine gauge needles. Radiesse provides facial rejuvenation by reducing the appearance of moderate to severe facial folds and creases. Patients who are experiencing a loss in facial volume due to disease or other factors may also benefit from Radiesse. 

Radiesse dermal filler offers long-lasting improvement in various areas of the face to treat issues such as glabellar lines and nasolabial folds. Radiesse provides sub-dermal support to regions such as perioral area, nose, tear troughs, brows, lips, chin, oral commissures, and marionette lines. In addition, it effectively softens the appearance of saucerized acne scars.


Longevity of Outcomes

With a single Radiesse dermal filler med spa treatment, the patient can enjoy anti-aging outcomes that sustain for up to two years. A standard dermal filler injectable treatment consisting of hyaluronic acid usually offers outcomes with the sustainability of six months to one year. 

Radiesse results last longer as it contains CaHA microspheres which enable the volume from the treatment to last for a prolonged duration. 

Upon being injected in the form of small microspheres, Radiesse offers a type of scaffolding that encourages the development of new tissue which is similar to the surrounding tissue. 

Once the CaHA particles reach the deeper skin layers, it prompts the production of fresh collagen and elastin fibers. Radiesse helps develop new fibroblastic in-growth without calcification, which provides the patient with longer-lasting and natural results.

Fresh collagen production delivers volume to the deep tissue inside the treated sites. This provides the dual benefits of immediate volumizing and the generation of fresh collagen over a prolonged period, making Radiesse outcomes more sustainable in comparison to average filler injectables. 


Touch-ups with Radiesse

Radiesse provides patient with another benefit, which is that when a gel syringe is opened for use, the substance remaining unused after the initial treatment can be recapped and stored for future use on the same patient. This material can be injected into the same patient within the next three months.

Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV, and nearby areas for Radiesse dermal filler injectable treatment.
If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Taking new patients from Las Vegas, Bullhead City,  Laughlin, Pahrump, Mesquite NV and surrounding areas.

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