Facial Fat Grafting To Help Sunken Areas Under And Bags Under The Eyes

Facial Fat Grafting

The area around your eyes is quite possibly one of the first places to reflect early signs of aging. Hollows, dark circles, and bags under the eyes can make you look haggard, unwell, and tired. There are several cosmetic treatments such as under eye fat grafting that can help you correct these issues for a younger and more rejuvenated looking appearance.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards provides facial fat grafting to improve sunken areas under the eyes and treat under eye bags to patients in Las Vegas, NV, and surrounding communities.

Dark Circles and Puffiness around the Eyes

Certain people are genetically predisposed to dark circles under the eyes because of excess skin. Drastic changes in weight and age can also stretch and weaken the muscles to create bags or hollows.

Under Eye Fat Grafting

Autologous fat transplantation, lipofilling, lipoinjection, or under-eye fat grafting involves using the patient’s fat cells for filling in the problem areas and hollows existing under the eyes. Fat cells are generally taken from the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks.

Fat grafting under the eyes feels and looks more natural since your own fat is being used. This is usually not possible with facial fillers. Fat transfer also reduces the chance of complications, rejection and allergic reactions since the body doesn’t consider the transplanted fat tissue as a foreign compound.

Suitable Candidates

  • Depressions under the eyes
  • Lack of volume
  • Mentally and physically healthy
  • Excess fat for harvesting
  • Realistic expectations from the procedure

Under Eye Grafting Benefits

There are several benefits to under-eye grafting that may rejuvenate the area. Few of these benefits include:

  • Getting rid of dark circles and eye bags
  • Restoring volume to the under-eye hollow parts
  • No risk of allergic reactions
  • Minimal risk of rejection
  • Long lasting results
  • Gradual improvement in the skin concerns

Under Eye Grafting Procedure Details 

It takes 30 minutes to an hour for the under-eye grafting procedure to finish. You should ensure that the cosmetic surgeon you choose is board certified before getting the procedure done. The plastic surgeon should specialize or have significant experience in performing fat grafting. The first step will be to administer anesthesia. These are the next steps that will follow:

  1. Extraction

Manual liposuction techniques will be used for the extraction process. This is because the purpose is to harvest the fat cells and not destroy them as with ultrasound and laser liposuction procedures. The surgeon will use a cannula for suctioning enough fat to treat the under-eye area.

  1. Centrifugation

The surgeon will place the collected fat in a test tube and keep it inside a centrifuge. This is done to separate excess fluids, such as blood and oils from the harvested fat. The process will also remove dead fat cells and debris from viable fat cells.

  1. Fat Injections

The surgeon will inject the purified fat at the graft location. They will inject just a tiny amount at a time and sculpt it for a natural and ideal look.

Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV, and nearby areas for facial fat grafting to improve sunken areas under the eyes and treat under eye bags.

Contact Las Vegas Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Richards to Schedule a Consultation

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Taking new patients from Las Vegas, Bullhead City,  Laughlin, Pahrump, Mesquite NV and surrounding areas.

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