Breast Lift Surgery Recovery

Breast Lift Surgery Recovery

Cosmetic Surgery | Breast Lift Recovery | Mastopexy | Las Vegas NVRecovery in case of breast lift cosmetic surgery will vary from one patient to another depending on several factors. Patients can improve their chances of overall satisfaction with the procedure when they are more informed about what to expect during recovery. The recovery process takes time, and the patient should be well-prepared in advance to make the recovery period easier.

An experienced plastic surgeon will provide detailed post-op instructions to help ensure safer and smoother recovery. Dr. Bryson Richards is a leading breast lift surgeon providing a host of procedures to patients in Las Vegas, NV and surrounding communities. Dr. Richards will discuss the estimated recovery process during the initial consultations.

Recovery in the First 15 Days

During the first 10 to 15 days, most patients may experience mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising. In the first week following breast lift plastic surgery, the patient may take prescription pain medications to gain relief. During the first 15 days, the patient should avoid sleeping on her stomach. Sponge baths are preferable until the sutures are removed. The surgeon will advise the best ways to stay more comfortable during this period.

The patient will be required to wear a surgical bra during the first few days after surgery. Thereafter, the bra will be replaced with a support bandage or sports bra which must be worn at all times for at least a month or more. Sutures are typically removed after a week or 10 days. Most patients can go back to work or resume light activities at home after a week. Vigorous exercises and lifting of heavy weights should be avoided until the healing is complete.

Recovery period will be reduced and risks will be cut down for smokers who stay committed to avoiding smoking at least a month before and after breast lift surgery. As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Richards will provide detailed instructions to his patients in Las Vegas, NV and other areas for breast lift recovery.

Recovery in the First Few Months

Final results of breast lift will start showing after about a month when swelling and bruising disappears almost completely. Minor numbness in the skin and nipples may remain, which will go away in about six to eight weeks.

Tingling or stinging sensation in the treated areas may be experienced by some patients as the nerves gradually return to normal function. The surgeon will advise patients not to lift anything over their head for the first two months, and avoid lifting heavier weights for another one to two months.


Scarring will be fairly conspicuous in the first few months, with some of the scars appearing red and lumpy. However, as the months go by, scarring will continue to become lighter and fade into thin, white lines.

Some surgeons may recommend the use of cortisone cream or silicone sheeting to help reduce the appearance of scars. An experienced surgeon will choose the appropriate surgical technique and place the incisions in inconspicuous areas to keep the visibility of scars to the minimum.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

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