Sculptra Aesthetic is an innovative and advanced facial filler treatment based on a biocompatible compound called poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). Sculptra can add substantive volume to the mid-face and other depleted facial sites to restore a smoother, younger looking face without the patient having to undergo cosmetic surgery.
During the initial consultation, the treatment provider will discuss the benefits and limitations of Sculptra dermal filler injections to help the patient make an informed choice.
Some providers may also present Sculptra facial filler before and after photographs to explain the potential effectiveness of the treatment. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards provides Sculptra Aesthetic to patients in Las Vegas, NV and surrounding communities in The Battle Born State.
What are Sculptra Aesthetic Before and After Pictures?
Before and after pictures in case of Sculptra Aesthetic facial filler refer to a pair or group of images pertaining to a previous patient who has undergone the same treatment with successful results. The pictures include images taken before the treatment and after the treatment at a stage when all injection sessions are completed and full results of the filler have appeared.
The surgeon will take care to ensure that the photos are obtained with the patient’s consent, and presented before new patients in an appropriate manner. The patient’s identity may be kept undisclosed as per the standard protocol. The provider’s sole purpose behind this exercise is to use the photos as a visual aid to explain to new patients about what Sculptra Aesthetic facial filler can or cannot do for them.
Face is aesthetically the most prominent part of the body. Patients are particularly concerned about aesthetic treatments related to the face. To reassure a new patient and to help them know whether Sculptra Aesthetic can meet their personal cosmetic goals, the treatment provider may make use of before and after photos.
Some patients may only need a limited facial volume restoration in the cheeks, while some others may need significant improvement in multiple facial areas to mitigate the aging lines. In some cases, Sculptra injections may be combined with Botox or another procedure. In each case, the patient will be able to make better decisions when they have access to Sculptra Aesthetic before and after photos.
The game changer is digital technology. This type of technology has been about as revolutionary as the Internet itself. Now people all over the world can see awesome pictures for a fractional cost and nothing has to be printed out or be in tangible form. The human brain can make vital decisions based on what it sees on a screen.
Being Realistic
Patients should be aware that Sculptra Aesthetic is not a substitute for facelift plastic surgery. During the pre-op consultation, the provider will discuss the limitations of the facial filler injections, and may also present Sculptra Aesthetic before and after photos.
This will help the patient to know what to expect and what not to expect from the treatment. It will also minimize the risk of any disappointment occurring for the patient at a later stage. Experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards receives patients from Las Vegas, NV, and nearby areas for Sculptra Aesthetic.
Website Images
The treatment provider has an option to provide Sculptra Aesthetic facial filler before and after photos on their practice website but for this particular service Dr. Richards does not put these pictures on the website but it does not mean you cannot have these pictures emailed to you or see them digitally during the consultation. If the provider has an active presence on social media, they may also choose to share the photos over social platforms such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram, and Pinterest for wider exposure.
Now digital technology was mentioned above but it really cannot be emphasized enough. A patient during the consultation no longer has to rely on ambiguous pictures that creates more questions than it answers. With these crystal clear pictures and the ability to expand them and so on a patient will have a supreme understanding on what they are signing up for if they choose to do so. Schedule a consultation today!
If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070
Taking new patients from Las Vegas, Bullhead City, Laughlin, Pahrump, Mesquite NV and surrounding areas.