How much does SculpSure Laser Fat Removal Cost?

Laser based fat removal and body contouring technique SculpSure offers an innovative aesthetic solution for people who want to avoid cosmetic surgery. At the time of initial consultation, the laser expert will explain various aspects of SculpSure treatment to the patient, and apprise them of its estimated costs.

The provider’s first goal will be to educate the patient about SculpSure and help them make an informed choice. The dollar amount becomes a vital factor in decision-making because SculpSure is typically viewed as an elective procedure, and insurance coverage may not be possible. Amazing and hardworking board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Bryson Richards provides SculpSure to patients in Las Vegas, NV, and surrounding communities in The Silver State.


Financial Comparison with Liposuction

Many patients may prefer to compare the cost of SculpSure laser-based body contouring procedure with that of liposuction plastic surgery. SculpSure will usually turn out to be a more affordable treatment option for a number of reasons. Unlike liposuction, SculpSure can be performed without any need for anesthesia. This will avoid the fee of an anesthesiologist or a nurse anesthetist.

SculpSure is an in-office procedure, where as liposuction will involve the charges of an accredited surgery center or a hospital.

Post-surgical expenses that are often associated with liposuction, such as medical tests, prescription drugs, compression garments, and post-operative visits to the surgeon’s office will be largely avoided in case of SculpSure. Patients can quickly return to work after SculpSure, which may have an additional cost saving impact for some working people.


Price Tag Factors

Just like any other cosmetic procedure, the costs of SculpSure may slightly differ between two practices and even between two patients at the same practice. Practice location is a vital factor that will affect the overall cost of SculpSure. Practices operating in major metropolitan areas and prime urban cities usually have higher real estate expenses and other overheads. This increases their costs of services compared to a practice located in a small town in an interior region.

Some practices may offer advanced facilities and services, personalized care, and state of the art technologies, which can influence the costs to an extent. A board certified plastic surgeon would typically invest in high quality standards and best practices and follow the latest safety protocols. Therefore, patients should consider all aspects, and not just the costs, while making a decision.  


Extent of Treatment

The financial factors can vary from one patient to another depending on their specific cosmetic needs. If the patient requires only limited body sculpting in a particular area such as the flanks or abdomen, they may be able to achieve their goals in a single treatment session.

Some other patients, on the other hand, may require multiple treatments spread over a few months to achieve significant results in different areas of the body. Similarly, fat reduction in larger areas such as the back and abdomen may cost more than SculpSure treatment in the upper arms.

If the patient chooses SculpSure in conjunction with another invasive or non-invasive procedure, it may make them eligible for a special package price. Fantastic and salient cosmetic surgeon Dr. Richards receives SculpSure patients from Las Vegas, NV and other cities and neighborhoods in this area of the southwest.

If you would like more information on cosmetic surgery procedures and treatments performed by Las Vegas, Nevada plastic surgeon, Dr. Bryson Richards please contact us at 702.870.7070

Taking new patients from Las Vegas, Bullhead City,  Laughlin, Pahrump, Mesquite NV and surrounding areas.

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