VelaShape II: Non-Surgical Body Contouring
- Cost: $225 per treatment per area
- Non-invasive mechanical manipulation with infrared and radiofrequency for smoothing and reduction of cellulite*
- 6-10 treatments for best results, once weekly, followed by maintenance treatments one time per month
- No social downtime, but patients must avoid exercise or heat to the area for one day
Achieving your ideal body shape is a challenging goal, requiring a life-long commitment to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Yet even those who are at or close to their ideal weight recognize that some common problems—most notably small pockets of excess fatty tissue and the appearance of cellulite—are frustratingly resistant to diet and exercise. Thankfully, today’s advanced, energy-based treatment modalities can help! The VelaShape II non-surgical body contouring system can comfortably, safely, and effectively target these unsightly problem areas to help you achieve the slim, shapely figure of your dreams!*
Dr. Bryson Richards, Board certified plastic surgeon, is pleased to offer this advanced non-invasive body shaping treatment at his private surgical practice and medical spa in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although Dr. Richards closely oversees all treatments performed at his practice to ensure the safety and comfort of his patients, your VelaShape II treatments will be performed by Lynette Stephens, our laser specialist who has specialized training in energy-based treatment modalities as well as more than 20 years of experience with laser- and energy-based technologies.*
The VelaShape II Technology
The VelaShape II works to improve the shape of your physique by simultaneously targeting the appearance of loose skin, unsightly bulges, and cellulite that have proven resistant to reduction through diet and exercise. Completely non-surgical and non-invasive, VelaShape II produces highly-effective body shaping results by harnessing the power of four different treatment modalities at once! Bi-polar radiofrequency (RF) and infrared (IR) technology together gently heat the fatty tissue at the most effective treatment depths (up to 3mm and 15mm respectively), while vacuum and mechanical tissue manipulation facilitates fibroblast activity and promotes precise energy delivery. Together, these advanced technologies increase circulation, lymphatic drainage, collagen production, and cellular metabolism. The result?*
- Reduction of skin laxity, looseness, and sagging*
- Decreased volume and circumference of excess fatty tissue in targeted treatment zones*
- Noticeable reduction in the appearance of cellulite*
- Firm, smooth skin texture*
Moreover, VelaShape II’s unique and flexible applicator design offers a greater range of treatment zones than ever before. The VSmooth™ applicator targets large treatment zones such as the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen, while the VContour™ applicator is perfect for smaller areas such as the flanks, calves, and arms. For optimal results, we recommend an initial series of six to ten weekly treatments, followed by monthly maintenance treatments.*
*Individual results may vary. Results not guaranteed. Body contouring is not a weight loss technique and results are never permanent. It is critical to avoid weight gain by maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regime to ensure long-term results.

Contact Dr. Richards
Dr. Richards understands that every patient has unique medical needs and aesthetic preferences, which is why his treatment philosophy is based upon the foundational principle of individualized customization. In practice, this concept amounts to in-depth consultations, treatment plans that have been tailored to meet your specific needs, and comprehensive patient education, both before and after your skin rejuvenation treatment.
Dr. Richards makes it a priority to spend ample time with each cosmetic surgery patient, and to be highly accessible to his patients during every phase of their aesthetic enhancement experience. He works closely with Lynette to ensure the safety and efficacy of every treatment. If you have questions about the benefits of non-surgical body contouring with the VelaShape II, please contact our office today. We look forward to speaking with you!