The nose is the most pronounced facial structure, and its shape and size directly impact the proportional balance, symmetry, and aesthetic desirability of the face as a whole. Rhinoplasty (nasal reshaping surgery) is an excellent option for patients seeking to correct a structural defect of the nose that has led to aesthetic problems.

* Results are not guaranteed or guaranteed to be permanent.
Rhinoplasty procedures offer a number of cosmetic and health benefits, such as:
- Improvement in the shape, appearance, and symmetry of the nose,*
- Enhancement of facial harmony, proportions, and balance*
- Elevation of self-confidence levels*
- Reduction of the width of the nose at the bridge or at the tip,*
- Decrease in the overall size of the nose*
- Correction of any flaws in the nasal profile (i.e. bumps or curves on the bridge)*
- Minimization of upturned, overly wide, or large nostrils*
The shape of the nose is seen only in context with other facial structures, which is why any modifications to the nose must take into account the impact those changes will have on the appearance of the entire face. For this reason, it is very important that rhinoplasty be performed only by a skillful plastic surgeon with well-honed facial surgery skills and a keen eye for facial aesthetics. At the private plastic surgery practice of Dr. Bryson Richards, located in Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Richards employs his in-depth knowledge of the delicate facial structures and extensive clinical skill-set to help his patients improve the proportional balance and overall facial aesthetics with rhinoplasty procedures.*

* Results are not guaranteed or guaranteed to be permanent.
Rhinoplasty is typically performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia or IV sedation; however, patients with pre-existing health issues may require an overnight stay for additional monitoring after surgery. Depending on the level of alteration required, Dr. Richards will either create an incision across the columella (the fleshy, external end of the nasal septum) or within the nostrils, taking great care to minimize post-operative scarring. He will utilize the initial incision to elevate the tissue of the nose and readjust the underlying cartilage and bone. For patients needing extensive nasal cartilage modifications, Dr. Richards may elect to harvest additional cartilage from the ear, septum (the structure separating the right and left nostril) or, or in extreme cases, from the ribs. After reshaping the nasal structure, Dr. Richards will re-drape the nasal tissue and adjacent skin before closing the incisions. He will place internal tubes and external splints to support the new shape of the nose as it heals.*
After your rhinoplasty surgery, you may experience slight bleeding and drainage of old mucus and blood, as well as some post-operative swelling and bruising around the eyelids. The majority of post-operative swelling and discoloration should subside within 2-3 weeks; however, it may take up to one year for the contours of the nose to assume their permanent shape. Strenuous physical activities and movements that may cause stress to the nose (i.e. pulling tight clothes over your head, blowing your nose, resting glasses/sunglasses on your nose) should be avoided for the first few weeks after your rhinoplasty procedure.*
*Results are not guaranteed or guaranteed to be permanent.
Dr. Richards understands the potentially damaging impact that dissatisfaction with your nose can have on your self-esteem. His treatment philosophy is based upon the foundational principle of individualized customization, which translates to: in-depth consultations, treatment plans that have been tailored to meet your specific needs, and comprehensive patient education, both before and after your rhinoplasty procedure.
Dr. Richards makes it a priority to spend ample time with each patient, and to be highly accessible to his patients during every phase of their nasal reshaping experience. If you would like to enhance the appearance of your nose, or if you have additional questions about rhinoplasty surgery, please contact our office today. We look forward to speaking with you, and to setting up your initial consultation with Dr. Richards.